Management Features

Full bank, property and tenant accounting as well as owner accounting, to keep your record keeping simple and accurate. Easy tab based navigation to switch between your properties, tenants, and other accounts.

We offer Automatic ACH payment options that allow your tenants to make secure payments online. We can set up recurring scheduled payments including recurring weekly or monthly payments to take the guesswork out of rent collection.

Tenant Screening provides you the security of knowing the history of each tenant we place as well as if they have past challenges paying bills. Rentec Direct provides our real-time reliable criminal as well as financial background check services on all prospective tenants.

We provide secure online access to tenants and accept rent payments online. Tenants can login to make payments, request service or view their payment history and set their email preferences.

Advertising your property to the world with our Global Exposure Marketing System attracts more prospects in a shorter time frame. We enter details and pictures, and provided a unique web address for your listing(s) to publish in the paper, or craigslist, Zillow Rentals, newsletters, flyers and syndicated with 20+ of the top rental sites. We can even accept applications online.

We give our owners a login via the owner portal to view their property performance, see up to date accounting along with notices of past and upcoming move-in and move-out events.
Service and Repair
We have a trusted team of service professionals should you need repairs. Our repair professionals can handle everything from the smallest repairs to major renovations, lawn maintenance to lighting, plaster to plumbing, they do it all. They are all licensed and insured and provide our clients with guaranteed repairs, exceptional service and reasonable rates.
If you would like more information about our property management services, just click on the "Help Button" above and we will contact you shortly. If you would like to speak with someone right away, call Robert on his mobile at 863.812.5581.